Our Mission

Our mission is to provide superior risk-adjusted returns for Clifford Capital Partners clients so they can achieve their goals.



Employee Ownership (75.01%)

Clifford Capital Partners is largely employee owned. We believe that our ownership structure promotes stability and independence that helps us execute our disciplined and repeatable process. All key stakeholders at the firm have equity ownership.

WCM Investment Management (24.99%)

WCM Investment Management shares our high conviction concentrated bottom up philosophy. In 2018, WCM took a passive equity stake in Clifford in exchange for growth capital. The firm provides financial backing, connections, and advice on how to avoid pitfalls that could accompany rapid firm growth. They have been an outstanding partner.

We are independent and
able to think differently
from the pack


independent/contrarian in investment thought


remote headquarters “in the mountains” promotes different thinking


fosters cultivation of “genius” and embodies “freedom to succeed”


majority employee owned firm


We believe our philosophy provides a time-tested foundation for our repeatable value investment discipline

Bottom Up

Thorough bottom up due diligence on every holding


Every name in the portfolio matters

High Conviction

Deep understanding of each business and risk

Benchmark Aware

Not benchmark driven

High Active Share

To outperform the benchmark, the portfolio must differ from the market.

Our Process

Core Value

Deep Value

  1. We have pre-identified 100-135 Core Value companies. Core Value business are wide-moat business with high long-term financial return profiles, sustainable competitive advantages, and strong management teams. We identify them with our proprietary Ten Point Review Process.
  2. When Core Value companies have bad news they are sometimes sold by investors. If a Core Value name falls into our valuation range we put them on our short list for further evaluation.
  3.  If we identify Key Thesis Points™(long-term catalysts) that we believe will improve fundamentals and we think there is a compelling upside/downside ratio, we may purchase the name in the portfolio.

Deep Value

  1. We constantly scour the market in areas that have been sold off. There are many ways that contrarian opportunities present themselves.
  2. If a company that reaches our valuation qualification and passes our balance sheet criteria we put it on our “short list” for further evaluation.
  3. After further review, if we identify Key Thesis Points™(long-term catalysts) that we believe will improve fundamentals and we think there is a compelling upside/downside ratio, we may purchase the name in the portfolio. We seek opportunities with significant upside for the Deep Value Sleeve of the portfolio.

Risk Mitigation

Multiple Risk-Mitigation Disciplines

Our Sell Discipline

Better Idea

We will replace a name for a significantly better reward/risk opportunity.


If a position becomes too large or the reward/risk ratio is less favorable, we will likely trim it down.

Change in Thesis

If new information suggests we have made a mistake or Key Thesis Points™ is broken, we will immediately liquidate the position.


Deep Value names are sold at fair value estimates. Core Value holdings are sold based on valuation alone only when we believe they are significantly stretched.

Tax Efficiency is a Byproduct of our Disciplined Process

The visual shown above is for illustrative purposes only and does not guarantee a certain level of performance or success. Not all investments will reach or exceed their estimated fair market value. Investors can lose all or part of their money.

While low tax implications are not the main focus of the strategy, they tend to be a by-product of our disciplined buy/sell process. The mutual fund vehicles of our strategies illustrate the tax efficiency. (see mutual fund distribution history for more information)
While low tax implications are not the main focus of the strategy, they tend to be a by-product of our disciplined buy/sell process. The mutual fund vehicles of our strategies illustrate the tax efficiency. (see mutual fund distribution history for more information)

Buy & Hold

  • Longer holding periods are inherently more tax efficient.

Strategy Implementation

  • We maintain a contrarian discipline of buying out of favor stocks. Generally we make a small initial purchase (1-2%) with anticipation of further price declines and additional buying opportunities. Dollar cost averaging produces a variety of tax lots. As stocks rebound toward fair value estimates, higher cost lots offset embedded gains, leading to a more tax efficient portfolio.